How's your day

A: How was your day? A: How was your day? Yes, he lives on Baker Street. He’s usually traveling abroad, on business. (How's it going) "I'm well, how about you?" Has difficulty understanding even short answers in this language.Can ask simple questions and can understand simple answers.Can ask all types of general questions and can understand longer answers.Can understand long, complex answers.Be part of the HiNative community while on the go!Be part of the HiNative community while on the go! :) Or, other replies are~ (How's your day) "It's been great, and yours?" Take one or two out each night at dinner or at a chatting time of your choosing. Fold em up and put them in said cup.

Setting your Language Level helps other users provide you with answers that aren't too complex or too simple. Do you know Mr. John McKenzie? Put your email in that box down there to get a free PDF print out of all these good questions from this post. Bask in your new-found intimacy and communication with your partner. “How was your day?”(今日はどんな日だった?)には "It was OOO because..."で返す! A: Oh too bad. B: It was awful! 特に、朝に一度顔を合わせた相手にもう一度会った時や、夜に食事の約束していた相手などに使うときに、“How was your day?” と過去形にするらしいです。 Melissa: Seems like you know a lot about him.

From music lessons, Scouts, sports, and other activities, to meetings, homework, and family responsibilities, it can be hard to carve out time to find out what is going on in your child's day. A:Oh too bad. "It's been good, yours?"

返す際に、 ”And you?” や "How about you?" というフレーズを耳にしたことはありますか? これ、日常生活の中で結構よく耳にするフレーズなのですが、私は初めて "How's your day been?" How’s your day today? (よかったよ!道で100円拾ったんだ!) A: Lucky you!(よかったね!) パターン2 B: It was not good because I had an exam today. Hanna: It’s good.

英会話に限らず、「今日はどうだった?」から会話が広がることってありますよね。 Yes, you can answer "pretty good." Hanna: John? B: It was not good because I had an exam today. B: It was good because I found 100 yen on the road! パターン1 I had a bad haircut! パターン2 "It's going great, what about you?" Upgrading the question is a great way to upgrade your intimacy and connection. 日本語の「元気?」は、久しぶりに連絡をしたり会ったりした 相手に使うことが多いですが、 英語では挨拶言葉+”How are you?”がセットのようです。 How are you doing?

^ these are all happy/positive replies, but you can also say "I've had better days" or "It's not been great.."|My soul is sinking in the infinite nothingness. Brian and Oklahoma City bombing: How's Your Day podcast April 20, 2017 • On April 19, 1995, a bomb is detonated outside the Alfred P. Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. 今回は“How was your day?”と、それにセットになる、ある意味お決まりの英会話パターンをいくつか習いました! Often, it’s some combination of the two – high points and low points – throughout the day. Melissa: I’m fine. Print the PDF.

と聞かれた時に意味がわからなくて固まってしまいました。 今回は、そんな "How's your day been?" Asking better questions can get you richer responses. It may seem like the moments when you can learn about your school-age child's day or have a meaningful conversation with your teen are few and far between.

“How was your day?”(今日はどんな日だった?) The Language Level symbol shows a user's proficiency in the languages they're interested in.

パターン3 で聞き返すことで会話も繋がり、広がるそうです。 Cut out the questions. ちょっと英会話の幅が広がるフレーズなので、ぜひ覚えておきたいです! Don’t you live there, too? A: Lucky you!(よかったね!) (今日どうだった?) パターン1 B: It was good because I found 100 yen on the road! に対しての簡単な返し方の表現をいくつか。 Hanna: He’s a good man. Upgrading your questions also helps elicit more authentic responses when your loved one’s day was challenging. "How's your day been?" Melissa: I do, but I’ve never met him.